Sunday, April 27, 2014

A LOVE Letter to Dreamers and Dream Builders

There is so much encouragement and support for dreaming the the dream...building the dream...
There are so many dreams out there. There is a sea of dreams rich with hopes, and loves, and wins. What happens when dreams collide?  What happens when someone's "big dream" runs over someone's "little dream"?

We are all so busy dreaming the dream we sometimes miss the point that the dream is the vehicle and that LOVE is the purpose.

Yes, I dream the dream.  Yes, I have goals and vision, but every day, multiple times a day, I physically and mentally let it all go...release it to the universe and I put one simple request out there:

Let this dream build, strengthen, fortify, nurture, and be in sync with LOVE...every moment...every gesture...every all ways...and let that LOVE that I am a small infinitesimal part of flow back to me in torrents, in waves, in tsunamis of  blessings that fulfill my dreams beyond my wildest imagination.

I envision that each step of my path... each gesture... each word is a vehicle for LOVE to grow.  I see in my minds eye that my moving through this world is a vehicle for LOVE to find expression.

Wishing you all a LOVE filled dream.

With LOVE,

Monday, April 21, 2014

Find Beauty in the World and Bring it Forward

Each of us have lives that are uniquely us.  Each day there are many many things that come into our lives, some in our control and some not in our control.  Find the beautiful, the uniquely wonderful, the divine, the simply impressive, the joyful, the rhythmically inviting, the goose bump inducing awesome, and share it...bring it forward...shine a light on it.

So today, here are some of those things, and it's only 10:25AM.  Think about what the end of my day will look like given that this has come to me in the beginning hours of my life, today.  I opened all of the blinds and let the morning sunlight come pouring, streaming, flooding into my room.  I heard the birds singing outside my window...lovely trills and urgent's voice needing to express itself, needing to be heard. I made a steaming pot of Cherry Chocolate coffee and topped it off with Mocha Peppermint creamer and took my coffee out onto the sunny porch along with my Nook and read some wonderful contemplative passages from Awareness by Anthony De Mello. In the forward to the book, J Francis Stroud says of De Mello, "That was what his work was all about, waking people up to the reality of their greatness."

A passage from the book for you, "Spirituality means waking up.  Most people, even though they don't know it, are asleep...They never understand the loveliness and the beauty of this thing that we call human existence." 

Finally, I shine the light on you, the reader of this post.  You are loveliness that has touched my life by reading this.  You are loveliness that will think on this and move from it to make it a part of your life's art.  I honor your connectedness in the co-creation of life.