Saturday, February 28, 2015


Walking and nature - a great combination. Last weekend I truly felt in need of doing something that would touch my soul; that would resonate with my core and bring me back to ground. Sometimes there is a real need in my life to return to base-camp.

Base-camp, for me, is a quiet, contemplative place that is rich with space and grace; with acceptance and love. It is a place that at once feels safe and yet also affords amazing freedom. Nature is that place for me.

My mind and body seem to be stuck in the "winter in Wisconsin" mindset, even as I look out my window, in Florida, at a green expanse of lawn and trees heavy with new foliage and azaleas in bloom. Which really helps me to awake to the importance of mindset in whatever we do.

I have been in a bit of a "blue funk" the last couple of days. Just one of those things. It has been a bit rainy and a bit gray and that might be contributing. So I have been doing more meditation and quiet time, which is tremendously helpful. I will go for a walk today, in the rain and take my camera.

I have been meaning to photograph the road on which we now live. It is absolutely magical in places, like entering into another world. It exists in the city but feels like deep, rural south. A walking photo expedition in the rain, that sounds engaging.

The pictures here are from last weekend's walk through Fort Caroline and the Tumucuan preserve. I discovered it while lost and looking for the bird sanctuary out by Amelia Island. I never did make it to the bird sanctuary, so that's is left to another weekend. But I did discover Fort Caroline and the hiking trails around that area.

There is something lovely about a walk through the woods, the call of birds, the wind in the trees, the sun on my back. Fort Caroline is a delightful marriage of coastal waterway, marsh and rolling wooded hikes. It is a very small part of the 46,000 acre Timucuan preserve - an estuary wetland preserve. 

You know you've been fully immersed in what you are doing when you realize, after arriving home, that you are covered in a fine powdered dirt that has blackened your sneakers and socks and left your face streaked with gray.

I suppose it's like a child coming in from playing and the surprise on their face when their mother exclaims, "Oh! You are filthy!" Funny, but I reluctantly washed the grime away, as I reveled once more in how it felt getting it there.

If I had a day that I could give you
Id give to you a day just like today
If I had a song that I could sing for you

Id sing a song to make you feel this way


Monday, February 2, 2015


I had a lovely afternoon at the beach yesterday, with my daughter. We walked for several miles watching the surfers out beyond the break. There was a kite surfer who was very entertaining as he would go flying off the tops of waves, lifted by the parachute he was holding onto.

There was quite a mix of outfits out and about the beach. Jess and I were somewhat bundled up as it was heading into late afternoon and we were expecting a drop in temperatures once the sun went down. But there were people out there in bikinis and bathing trunks playing soccer in the sand and even braving the water, though not for very long. 

I love that beach because it is so open to allowing people and dogs to show up and play. People rode by me on their bikes on the beach, and there were runners and joggers. There were couples strolling hand-in-hand and little children writing their names in the sand and building sand castles and forts.

We stopped at Jack's Crab Shack for a snack and a drink while we sat on the outdoor patio and watched the sun go down. The drive back into town was just as glorious as we were headed west and were treated to a vibrant sunset of peach and pink and orange and deep purple. I couldn't have painted a more colorful sky if I'd tried.

Today it is cooler and raining. As I sit here on the patio typing I notice that the leaves are starting to come out on the birches in the quad. Unlike Wisconsin, trees don't really go dormant here as much as they shed their leaves, take a moment to shake off the last years growth and rest a bit, and then come right back to living fully.

Trees in Wisconsin retreat deep into their roots in the ground and to the protected center of their trunks. When they come back to life it's like they are coming out of a season long coma that always seem to have some of us wondering if they survived the winter. Trees in Wisconsin burst to life, in the spring, grabbing every day they can before they are forced to retreat once more.

So today I work and get ahead of the curve because tomorrow is my daughter's birthday and I am dedicating the day to doing some fun and memorable things with her.

Have a great day all and sending you hugs!


Sunday, February 1, 2015


Hey there, friends, family, acquaintances and the just curious. I am chilling in Florida. Out on the deck this AM with a cup of Java that tastes like cinnamon buns and soaking up some sun and a beautiful sunny Sunday morning. Coming from Wisconsin, it is such a treat to listen to the birds in the morning and to smell fresh mowed grass in February. I'm in northern Florida so there are some seasons, but not like in the Frozen Tundra. Winter is marked by a little more rain and some fall like temperatures. It seems funny to say, but I believe Winter here is one of my favorite seasons. 

The beaches are lovely this time of year. You can walk for miles and miles with just enough people out there surfing and flying kites and just enjoying the sand and surf to make it interesting, but not so many to be overwhelming. The surfers are bundled up in their wet suites and seem impervious to the chill of the water as they gather out beyond where the waves break chatting each other up and waiting for their next ride.

You see the most interesting things here. Sometimes it feels like the movie Clock Work Orange doing retirement. There was a woman the other day walking the beach with her raccoon on a leash. A couple of weeks ago there was a highland celebration on the beach and so there were people wandering about with bagpipes, in kilts and some dancing in the streets. 

I have a couple of little tea houses that I've found and love to frequent, both for their vegan earth mother atmosphere and for the neighborhoods where they are located. It is so much fun to drive into a neighborhood and watch as the dress and people and way of being totally changes. I am very fond of this one corner of the word where everyone seems to wear black, right down to their black converse high-tops, and they have lots of tattoos, and usually unruly hair, or no hair and they talk about the most interesting things like art, and politics and philosophy. 

Today I get to Skype with my people in Medellin, Columbia. A couple of delightful expats that I've connected with in creating on-line training.  I love the guys, their energy, their ideas and creativity. I sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure that I'm not dreaming as I get to do what I love, with people that I really like and admire, and make a living at it. I tell you what, life after 60 is getting better and better!

Well, time to put my feet up, have a cup of coffee and enjoy the morning. Wishing all of you the same kind of enjoyable day.
