Friday, December 31, 2021


For all of the peoples and the nations of the earth, may not even the names disease, famine, war, and suffering, be heard, but rather, may their moral conduct, merit, wealth, and prosperity increase and supreme good fortune and well being always arise for them.

Let humanity sing this mantra. Let it wake up to the truth of our connectedness.  Let LOVE touch hearts and minds and let us be kind to each other and to this earth that is our home.

In kindness and in Love.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Heralding of Spring

What is it about the hearts stirring -
The temperature of the soul 
That takes on such import 
as spring takes hold of the Earth?

Don't I feel these things all other times?
Aren't the events that stir me now similar to those that stir me year-round? 
Why does now feel different?

I chalk it up to the singularity of the resonance of spring. 
Spring paints all a vibrant hue of rebirth,
And the colors of the emotional palette - 
Of hope, and new life, and warming, and blooming.

This seasonal space in time 
Has a resonance of hope and possibility 
That is singularly unique and traditional -
A herald to beginnings and endings, 
A trumpet call to change.