Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 5

BOO  LOVES RORRY!  I think Boo looks at Rorry as one of his stuffed animal play toys with a little more life.  Rorry puts up with Boo, but, for the most part, it's unrequited love, which doesn't seem to phase Boo in the least.  He freely loves Rorry despite her reluctance.  Not to worry, as Rorry easily stands up for herself at the point that she needs her space.  Boo is a LOVER, not a fighter.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 4

Here I am in the traditional Wisconsin meditational pose.  Through hours of purposeful shoveling I believe that I am either close to a heart attack or enlightenment.  Either way I happily close out the exercise dedicating whatever merit I have created through my actions to the enlightenment of all sentient beings.  Beginner mind tells me that each time is the first back tells me otherwise.  It would be REALLY helpful if the rest of you could reach enlightenment as quickly as possible!  I thank you, in advance, for your compassionate cooperation! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 3

Napping with Boo after a hard day at the office.  Boo likes to sleep with his feet on my head, and I like to stretch out on the floor and do some Yoga breathing exercises which inevitably leads to my dozing off.  Nothing like a cat nap to rejuvinate myself before working on my new web site.  It's still under constructions, but I'm almost ready to launch it, so stay tuned!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 2

My daughter, and technical consultant and advisor and her LOVELY assistant!  She helped me master Skype and now I'm a Skyping SUPERSTAR!  Her Chi Rorry is my cheer leader and embassador of ENTHUSIASM and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

So what am I doing here?  I'm celebrating my life, daily, for the next 20 years with one photo a day.  I'm inspired!  "There are so many tiny, beautiful, funny, tragic moments in your life -- how are you going to remember them all? Director Cesar Kuriyama shoots one second of video every day as part of an ongoing project to collect all the special bits of his life."

I'm committed to one photo a day for the next 20 years!  Here's to day 2 and a great assistant who is 100% supportive towards my intent to awake to my dreams.  My daughter is one of the true blessings in my life.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 1

I picked up the LOUDEST watch I could find today! It is soooooooo not me...until today! It is a reminder of my WHY. It's one of the things that I learned from Simon Sinek. Every time it catches my eye, every time I check the time, I am reminded of my purpose, my dream, and what I want to wake up to. Using "wearable reminders" is a great way to keep your mind coming back, again, and again, and again, to what's important - to your WHY.