Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 62: Making Room for Opportunity

When is a good time to let go?  What a great question!  As I look at what I am holding on to, I look back to the day that I had to clean out my Mom's closets and drawers, after she passed away.  She had two VERY OLD raccoon coats in a mothballed garment bag along with her wedding dress.  The dress was so old that it fell apart as we were trying to take it out of the bag - the thread had rotted.  There was jewelry that she had accumulated over time, but I only remember her wearing a handful of pieces that were her favorites.  We threw out, recycled, or gave away so many things, and even then I packed a large shipping box with the things I thought I wanted and paid to ship them home.  So I recently sat down and went through the box, and you know, there really wasn't anything there I truly couldn't live without.  I took some pictures of some things I didn't want to forget.  I took some jewelry that I wouldn't wear, as it was, to a jeweler and had it made into something I would wear, and that would remind me of my Mom, and the rest?  I threw it out, recycled it, or gave it away.  This year is a fairly cathartic one for me, as I am in the process of preparing to "retire" from what I am doing right now (though not stop working), and move to Florida, by the ocean - and thus I realize the TOP item in my bucket list.  YEAH FOR ME!!!  And Yeah for the world as I move closer to living my dream and executing to my WHY.  It feels soooooooooooooo good!!!  Transitions like this are not without there moments of doubt (usually brought on by someone else's sharing their lack of faith) and moments of panic (as I realize how much I am letting go of).  But oh those times of delight!  Excited anticipation!  Wondering openness!  And freedom!  I am having the time of my life!  And I see it getting better...and better...and better...
Opportunity continues to open up as I move towards my future and it FEELS SO RIGHT!  I am leaving behind a good life that allowed me to raise an amazing daughter and provide for her as a single Mom.  I am going towards a brilliant future, FILLED TO OVERFLOWING with blessings beyond measure, beyond what I hoped, or planned and I am, first and foremost grateful.  I am so deeply grateful for these blessing, for the people in my life, for the bright future that lies ahead, and I AM COMMITTED to working with others to help them realize their dreams and understand how their highest good is right around the corner.  Giving back is truly a part of how I roll!

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