Monday, November 25, 2013

Reflections in the Eyes of Others

It took me a long time to be able to know my life path vs. those that belonged to people who's paths I crossed.  There were many times when I swerved onto someone else's path thinking that it was better than mine, only to discover that it was better for them, but not better for me.

I am comfortably on my path now.  It is clear and well paved and inviting.  What is even more reassuring is that it FEELS right.  There is a familiarity even as I round bends that I don't know what to expect.  I have learned to accept others perspectives without necessarily being swayed.  I have come to understand that the reflection I see in the eyes of others is based on their perception of who I am and what my path is or isn't.  Sometimes the input of others can be like a hall of mirrors - it can be easy to lose your way if you are guided by others insights.  As interesting as these insights from others are, they can not hold a candle to the light of self reflection.  It is through self reflection that I am able to right my way and navigate effectively.  I give tremendous credit to my observer - that part of my psyche  that looks on during events and advises and guides.  This observer capacity helps me ride out emotions, and trauma, and attachments, and come out the other side with understanding and positive forward momentum.  In the end, the only one who truly needs to be able to make sense of my journey is me.  Self reflection allows me to spend time doing just that.

Wishing you blessings and happiness.

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