Thursday, May 29, 2014


Lately, I have been recognizing time is my companion.  It is not steady.  There are times when it wears on me: dragging out, slowing down, and not moving along.  There are other times when it pesters me to distraction: going too fast, sneaking up on me, catching me unawares, making me late.  That's time.  It is a fickle companion at best.  I find myself resenting it when it moves past a moment that I would like to hold on to.  But then, there are times I love it dearly as it unfolds growth, learning, and awareness.  I love those parts of it that are constant - things you can count on - like the seasons, and the cycle of darkness and light.  Rachel Carson wrote of nature's clock, " There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature - the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter." At the same time there is something challenging about time and how it seeps through our fingers; how it flies by unseen and unappreciated.  We may temporarily catch sight of it in glimpses of ecstasy and moments of evolution, but, for the most part, it continues in the background, unseen, ticking by.

So here's my challenge to me - be more mindful of time - my own, that of others.  Live comfortably in the natural cycles and rhythms of time.  Weave LOVE through it all.

With Love,

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