Monday, June 2, 2014

The Rhythms and Patterns of Life

Lately I have been tuning in more to the rhythms and patterns of my life and life around me.  My patterns and rhythms are fairly simple, and because I have lived with them, they are easy to figure out and understand.  I like that things have slowed down some from mid-life.  I like that simplicity and lack of complication suites me now.  Is it a different life than I imagined?  I can't really say.  It is different than my parents led me to believe, but then their lives probably couldn't survive in today's world, and how they did things would not fit well anymore. That means there's been a lot of re-learning on my part in order to get to this point.  I am tremendously blessed.  What I find interesting is that most of what I have had to adjust for is man made changes, like how to make a living, and the impermanence of relationships and familial units.  The things of nature have changed some due to man's influence, but not as much as the man made constructs.

I recently had a conversation with a friend around the concept of living past 100 years old.  Aging isn't always easy, and the thought of dragging the deterioration process out longer just doesn't appeal to me.  As it is we have senior homes brimming with elderly who's quality of life is hugely diminished.  I ask myself, why would I want to live longer if it's under conditions that, for me, carry no attraction?  For me, the answer is, I don't.  I don't know how I will meet my end.  As in the rest of my life, there is so much that I just couldn't have predicted.  What I do know is that I will continue to create the art that is my life for as long as I can, and as richly and abundantly and graciously as I can.  I will let the rest take care of itself.  That's probably the nicest thing about getting older, the end for us all is the same, so how we get there becomes so much easier to orchestrate as the options narrow.

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