Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 17

I have a wagon wheel in my room, which by the way, is a very nice room.  The Culture of Service class, today, was great.  As I'm working through this material, I find myself challenged to step up my own game in engaging in the act of service in ever increasing purposeful and meaningful ways.  Each day is ripe with opportunities to move life towards what I envision:
I want to live in a world where service to each other is like breathing.  Where we DO understand that the world IS round - and that what goes around comes around, and we INTENTIONALLY plant the seeds of service KNOWING that, like the pebble in the pond, our actions will send ripples out, reverberating through our world, and around the world.  I'm so tired of people who are fearful:  fearful of being taken advantage of, fearful of being made a fool of, fearful of ending up on the short end of the stick, or being "found out" in some way.  I want you to connect with others in meaningful ways and to come to understand how AMAZINGLY important you are; how IRREPLACEABLE you are in the lives of those you touch, even though, for many of those lives, you will never know the impact you have made, and I want you to know how important THEY are to you, the shoulders upon which you stand today are those who CHOSE to serve you.  So, I facilitate this class with the intention of being a part of this EXTRAORDINARY opportunity to help you help us.  It's about caring and moving us, collectively towards a heart of service that truly honors our humanity and enriches the interdependent world THAT LIES AT THE HEART of what we have built, as individuals, as families, as communities, as cultures, as HUMANITY.  For you, it all begins with the realization that ANYONE becomes your customer the moment you have the opportunity to serve, and that SERVICE is meeting the needs of someone else.  You can change lives through your opportunities to serve - you have the potential for GREATNESS.

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