Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 60: Choosing to Give Yourself Space and Grace

AN AMAZING EVENING!  That is what I gave myself last night.  I found at the Astor House Bed and Breakfast in Green Bay, Wisconsin.  FIRST I gave to someone else:  I took my friend Laurie (whose Birthday it was), who is such a good person and soooooooooooooooo good to me in being there for me when I need her and listening know...doing all those amazing things that those who care about us and love us CHOOSE to do for us in helping us to be us.  I took Laurie for treats and drinks at the Wellington in Green Bay.  I wined us and dined us.  We shared, and laughed, and drank and sampled mini beef wellingtons, and crab cakes, and brochette with lobster and crab and THEN we had Marie Antoinette put it, "Let them eat cake!"...and we did!   Red Velvet Cake, and rich Carrot Cake...the best of cakes...heaven in a cake...that's what we had.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURIE - I LOVE YOU!!  

Then I headed back to my place and met up with my WONDERFUL daughter and we headed over to the Astor House Bed and Breakfast, where I was staying for the evening.  WHY? You might ask?  Because I DESERVE IT!  Sometimes getting away, finding sanctuary, getting into the space that allows you to connect deeply with who you are, isn't about going somewhere far away.  Sometimes sanctuary is just down the street, or right around the corner, or just over the hill.  You will know it when you find it and YOU WILL TREASURE IT!  The Astor House Bed and Breakfast is just such a sanctuary for me.  So Jess and I headed over to the Astor House and took up residence in the HONG KONG suite.  WOW!  Loving this pampering!!  Jess LOVED IT!  She immediately started to explore all of the wonderful objects of art and spirit that have so lovingly been brought together to create this MAGICAL environment.  She scooped up the Panda Bear and cradled it in her arms as she touched and looked, commented and  explored.  The attention to detail charms and enchants...and even's an environment that is rich with wonderful peopled pieces that are woven together, in design and form, and that cradle the traveler who comes to stay for awhile in a warm and inviting statement of connectedness and rightness.  Simply, it all fits.
As if it couldn't get better?  IT DOES!  So, Jess heads back to the house and I settle in for my evening of pampering and bliss.  I put on my favorite Sarah Brightman CD and I open up my gift from Danielle LaPorte.  YES!!! I received an AMAZING gift from Danielle LaPorte, who I, unabashedly admit I have a HUGE girl crush on!  So, Friday was her Birthday too!  Go figure, two people who have changed my life for the good and THEY SHARE THE SAME BIRTHDAY!  Coincidence? I think not!  The gift, you ask? here's another amazing thing, Danielle made her Desire Map available to anyone, on Friday, who felt inspired to reach out to her, because it was her Birthday and she wanted to share the specialness of this day.  So, I'm certainly not going to pass up this chance to send a warm birthday wish her way and at the same time get the Desire Map - can you spell win/win?  WOW!  HOW COOL IS THAT!  So in the spirit of and recognition for Danielle, for my Tribe, for myself, I did just that...and VOILA!...I had the AMAZING gift of spending the evening with Danielle LaPorte's Desire Map...and WOW!...Simply...WOW!  Danielle has created something amazing.  She continues to help me shape and change my life in positive ways, and I am eternally grateful.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIELLE, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURIE...and YEAH ME!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 59: Attending to Your Natural Rhythms

We, each of us, are uniquely US.  Built into that uniqueness are our NATURAL RHYTHMS.  What do I mean by natural rhythms?  Let me give you an example:  I am usually up by 5AM.  I like to write and reflect for a couple of hours before I am off to work.  I dedicate the early part of my day to going about those things that require my cognitive capacity to be at its best.  I save the latter part of the day for those activities that are more logistical in nature.  I do this because I have an awareness of when my mind is at its optimum.  I like to walk in the afternoon/evening or to do some sort of activity that requires simple physical coordinating along with some aerobic content.  I do this because I FEEL BETTER when I engage in activity latter in the day. I ALWAYS close out my day with meditation.  For myself, I find that meditating on my breathing, my heart beat, my immediate environment, and then going through all of the things that I am grateful for, closing with a prayer for the highest good of the world at large, sets the stage for a GREAT NIGHTS SLEEP.

My daughter, on the other hand, has very different natural rhythms.  She prefers to sleep in until noon or latter - SHE IS NOT A MORNING PERSON!  When she gets up she likes to take her time in getting ready and making plans for the day.  She will usually get together with friends, to talk and just hang out.  Social interaction is important to her - whether she is learning, doing something, traveling - when she does whatever she is going to do, she prefers to do it in the company of those she enjoys -  this is when she is happiest.  She chooses to work a late shift because that is what meshes best with her personal rhythm.  She enjoys the people she works with because THEY ARE LIKE HER in that they have similar natural rhythms. 

My daughter and I have worked through our challenges in sharing a household when we each have different natural rhythms.  We "get" each other and we accept our differences and try to be respectful of what each other's needs are relative to our differences.  In loving her, I love ALL OF HER, including those unique parts that are different than me.  I have learned to appreciate that her differences are what make her uniquely her, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 58 Everyday Life Can be FUN!!

This is Jason.  He's a fun guy!  OK, true confessions here, I finally, after years of NOT HAVING A CELL PHONE OF MY OWN, I got one.  I know, I know - WHAT WAS I WAITING FOR!!!

Perhaps Jason?  He's the guy who brought me into the 21st century and got me wired! (or more accurately wireless)  I'm sure Jason went to work today thinking that it was going to be another hum drum day at US Cellular...NOT!  I had so much fun with Jason and getting this done.  So why don't we have more fun going about our daily stuff?  Maybe because we've let many of the things that we do become mundane - a necessary "whatever".  So let me ask you, what would life be like if every day were full of fun, laughter, connectedness, and delight?  I don't know about you, but for me, IT WOULD BE GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!  How much more enjoyable would life be if we started to look at every opportunity to engage as an opportunity to add real dimension and meaning to our day?  OK, so I just shared my GREAT EXPERIMENT, because that is exactly what I am doing.  As I go about my day I look to reap the fun, the play, the joy and the opportunity to positively make a difference in my life and the lives that I touch.  How about you?  What is your next GREAT EXPERIMENT?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 57: What are you TIRED of?

You know those questions that can really help you to get a handle on what you DON'T want in your life?  Well this is one of those questions:

What are you TIRED of?

Life has a way of getting me wrapped around the axle on occasion.  Sometimes I get lost in TRYING to be, instead of JUST BEING.  This morning as I was rushing to be on time, life gave me a message, it was to SLOW DOWN and ENJOY THE RIDE.  So I rolled down the window and took in the early morning air, fresh with spring, and I sang loudly for the world to hear:

Slow down, you move too fast.
You got to make the morning last.
Just kicking down the cobble stones.
Looking for fun and feelin' groovy.
Hello lamppost,
What cha knowing?
I've come to watch your flowers growing.
Ain't cha got no rhymes for me?
Doot-in' doo-doo,
Feelin' groovy.

Got no deeds to do,
No promises to keep.
I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.
Let the morning time drop all its petals on me.
Life, I love you,
All is groovy.

But that wasn't enough.  As I was singing I waved at people going by and wished them well on their morning journey.  I realized, I'm tired of TRYING TO BE.  JUST BEING is my NOW way of being.  How about you?  What are you tired of?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 56 What Dreams May Come

I made some pivotal choices this year: 
  • I decided to work with an AMAZING Life Coach, Sharon Barbour, in order to work through what I need to do to realize my dreams. 
  •  I stepped outside of my comfort zone and climbed on a plane to Athebasca, Canada to participate in Alexandra Franzen's Write Yourself Into Motion
  • I designed and put into play  MY web site: that allowed me to be visible and to get my message out
  • I started writing that book I've been putting off since FOREVER
  • I started working on a plan to move to be near the ocean, where I started, a move that has been pulling on my heart for a long time
THE WORLD CAME TO DANCE in an unbelievable way.  I am reminded of a quote inspired by Srikumar S. Rao and his seminal work, Are You Ready To Succeed: Unconventional Strategies for Achieving Personal Mastery in Business and Life.

"This moment is the container of all possibility.  One must remain open, and carry the melody, and that which aligns will come to dance."

Connecting with those who believe what you believe can be a life changer.  Alexandra pointed to the fact that aligning with those who "Get You" is as simple as putting your purpose out there and then networking through various social networks to connect with those who believe what you believe.  So, I'm going to put my ULTUMATE DREAM out there to the world, with the intent of networking with others in order to align with people who believe what I believe, and, purposefully, change the world.

"For all of the peoples and the nations of the earth, may not even the names disease, famine, war, or suffering be heard, but rather, may their moral conduct, merit, wealth and prosperity increase and may supreme good fortune and well being always arise for them." 

Wishing you a life FULL TO OVER FLOWING with your highest good.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 55: If I was a dog, I'd roll in it!!!

Spring has come to Wisconsin.  I am FINALLY able to get some sunlight - it has been gray since FOREVER!  This day is soooooooooooooo amazing!! If I were a dog I'd roll in it!