Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 58 Everyday Life Can be FUN!!

This is Jason.  He's a fun guy!  OK, true confessions here, I finally, after years of NOT HAVING A CELL PHONE OF MY OWN, I got one.  I know, I know - WHAT WAS I WAITING FOR!!!

Perhaps Jason?  He's the guy who brought me into the 21st century and got me wired! (or more accurately wireless)  I'm sure Jason went to work today thinking that it was going to be another hum drum day at US Cellular...NOT!  I had so much fun with Jason and getting this done.  So why don't we have more fun going about our daily stuff?  Maybe because we've let many of the things that we do become mundane - a necessary "whatever".  So let me ask you, what would life be like if every day were full of fun, laughter, connectedness, and delight?  I don't know about you, but for me, IT WOULD BE GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!  How much more enjoyable would life be if we started to look at every opportunity to engage as an opportunity to add real dimension and meaning to our day?  OK, so I just shared my GREAT EXPERIMENT, because that is exactly what I am doing.  As I go about my day I look to reap the fun, the play, the joy and the opportunity to positively make a difference in my life and the lives that I touch.  How about you?  What is your next GREAT EXPERIMENT?

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